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Welcome to Christy Mann Author

I am so glad you are here. I'm Christy and I'm a unicorn, a mythical creature truly living my dream.  Not a literal unicorn, because many people have told me that they are not real.  The idea behind them is though, and that is what I aim to be.  

It has been my dream to be a writer since I was 13 years old.  I was about to graduate from 8th grade and I had received a card from my grandparents with some money in it. I was finally old enough to go shopping without my mom, and I bounced right into a Barnes & Noble with my $5 bill and bought my first novel.  Stephen King's "It". 

It was at that moment, at the cash register with that book in my hand, that I thought it would be the coolest thing ever to have someone standing at a cash register buying a book with my name on it. 


I've been writing ever since.  That moment was 29 years ago this year.  I published my first book in 2016, and recently, set all 4 of my books up wide, they are now available for purchase at Barnes & That was a huge moment for me.  

It's been a long and hard road.  I didn't have a whole lot of support.  I had quite a bit of the opposite actually. It's taken a long time, and a dedication I can't even begin to describe, but before I die, someone will be standing in a book store, ready to check out, with my book in their hand.  I can only hope that when they do, they take a selfie and send it to me! 

I'm here to tell you, you can live the dream.  It's expensive, hard as hell, painful, scary, and you are not going to have 100,000 people ready to snatch your book up as soon as you hit the button.  That would be the real dream. 


What you will have is a sense of accomplishment that will carry you through the hardest of times, a motivation to go even further, because you have come this far, and me. Here to cheer you on.  If I can help one person be where I am right now, not a best seller, not rich and famous, but published and still reaching, I will die trying.  It's the best feeling in the world! 

I have to get a book into a brick and mortar store still, for the dream to be finished.   There are books written and published, and there are more on the way.  I believed that was the hardest part.  It wasn't easy that is for sure, but this whole marketing  It's harder than I thought it would be.  


If you watch closely, as things change and adjust on the pages here, follow my blog or newsletter, you will see the rest of the journey as it unfolds.  There will be errors.  There will be failures.  There will be things that don't work from time to time.  You will see me get up and keep going, ususally in spite of them.  That is what it is going to take. 


I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am that you are here. Despite all the ups and downs, to be where I am right now, is a real dream come true, and  I've got a long way to go yet. 

Welcome to my world. :) 

What's New!?!

Fogoyle: A Short Story

Fog is creepy just as it is. Imagine if there was a legitimate reason to fear it.

Read on!


I know many people come here with no idea who I am or what I write.  I am confident that once you read one book you will want to get your hands on the rest of them. I'm so confident, that I've opted to make  Fogoyle: A Short Story (book 1) ebooks permanently free! 

Download it for free on your favorite device today! 


Christy Mann Author's Swag Shop is live!!! Click here to check it out!!!  10% of every $50 spent goes into the $10,000 end of year donation fund!   


Death of a Secret is alive and now available on all your favorite devices!  Check it out!   






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